Member self-service is a secure portal that enables you to view personal and financial information about your pension. Once registered you will be able to:
• View and update your personal details and changes of address.
• Obtain an estimate of the possible pension you will receive on retirement.
• Calculate the amount of additional lump sum you can take on retirement.
• View your service history, including any service which has been transferred.
• View and update your nominated beneficiaries.
• Send secure messages to Gwynedd Pension Fund.
How do I access my online pension record?
To access the secure system you will need to complete a simple registration form online. To register please visit the following website:
Your request will be emailed to Gwynedd Pension Fund and you will be issued an activation key. If your current contact details include an e-mail address, a link to complete your registration will be e-mailed to this address, otherwise your activation key will be sent to your current postal address within 3 - 5 working days. Please note that your activation key will expire within 30 days of it being generated, therefore it is important for you to complete your registration as soon as you receive your activation key.
Once you have your activation key you can go online and set up a username and password.
Please Note
Your Username...
Must be between 6 - 30 characters long.
Must NOT contain any Special Characters (such as % or £ symbol).
Your Password...
Must be between 8 - 12 characters long.
Must contain at least one numeric and one Uppercase Character.
Must NOT contain any Special Characters.
Please note that your password is CASE SENSITIVE.
Your Security Responses...
Must NOT contain any Special Characters.
Must NOT exceed 30 characters in length.
For security reasons Gwynedd Pension Fund do not hold a record of the password you have selected. If you forget your password you will need to re-set it on the Log-in web page.