To be eligible to join the LGPS you must:
- Be under age 75
- Be an eligible Councillor
To be an eligible Councillor, you must be a Councillor of a County Council or County Borough Council in Wales and offered membership of the scheme under the Council’s scheme of allowances.
Each Council will decide whether or not they will offer membership to their Councillors. Therefore, please check with your Council to see if you are eligible to become a member of the scheme.
If your Council does offer you membership, it will be your responsibility to make a decision whether to join the LGPS or not. Please see the Attachments section below for the documents that would appear in the starter pack.
If you wish to opt into the scheme, you will be required to complete a starters form indicating your choice of option. Please contact your Council to request a starters form.
Following your election, check your payslip to ensure that the pension contributions are being deducted.
Starter Form
Councillor's Guide to the LGPS
Death Grant Expression of Wish Form